FHM editor condemned Kajal’s allegations and said that they had done a special photo shoot with her and would release those raw photos if needed. This clearly indicates that Kajal is in a soup. Everybody is wondering why did Kajal made such foolish allegations after doing a photo shoot for FHM? The buzz from film nagar says that it is Prabhas who forced her to play this ‘morphing’ drama.
Rumor has it that Prabhas and Kajal are having an affair and are planning to marry soon. Prabhas’s mother and his elders don’t like this proposal at all and the actor has been trying hard to convince them. At this moment, Kajal did a topless photo shoot, which made things tougher for Prabhas. His respectable family didn’t like this shameless act at all and they have a very good reason to reject Prabhas’s choice now. Therefore, Prabhas told Kajal to bluntly say that those photos were morphed and the poor girl did so without thinking of the consequences.
Now the matter worsened further as FHM editor and publisher was deeply hurt by Kajal’s allegations. This might soon turn into a legal issue which would harm Kajal’s name further. Let’s wait and see what Prabhas will do now
Rumor has it that Prabhas and Kajal are having an affair and are planning to marry soon. Prabhas’s mother and his elders don’t like this proposal at all and the actor has been trying hard to convince them. At this moment, Kajal did a topless photo shoot, which made things tougher for Prabhas. His respectable family didn’t like this shameless act at all and they have a very good reason to reject Prabhas’s choice now. Therefore, Prabhas told Kajal to bluntly say that those photos were morphed and the poor girl did so without thinking of the consequences.
Now the matter worsened further as FHM editor and publisher was deeply hurt by Kajal’s allegations. This might soon turn into a legal issue which would harm Kajal’s name further. Let’s wait and see what Prabhas will do now
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